Drake :: Cutie Pie :: Syracuse NY Child Photographer

I was so happy to see Drake again and celebrate ONE with him.  But man, does time fly!  This past year has come and gone so quickly, but Drake will always have that killer smile, beautiful blue eyes and sweet heart.

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Jameson :: Cutie Pie :: Syracuse NY Child Photographer

I was so happy and excited to have Jameson back in the studio for his sitting up session!  Let me tell you, he has the best smile and the sweetest personality.  His eyes just light up the entire room.  Enjoy!

The Price Family :: Syracuse New York Family Photographer

I just absolutely adore this family!  I am so thankful that they make the drive up from Elmira to see me each year - usually twice a year!  I've come to know and love them, and was so happy that mom and dad finally made it into some photos as well!  Prepare for some gorgeous images!

Anna & Charlie :: Cutie Pies :: Syracuse NY Child & Family Photographer

I am so lucky to see this family in front of my camera year after year.  As the kids get older I've been able to watch their relationship grow - their bond as strong, and just as silly as the year before.  A true delight!

Quinn :: Cutie Pie :: Syracuse NY Child Photographer

Oh little miss Quinn…I cannot believe you are ONE!  And what an absolute riot she is.  The happiness is just bursting out of her, and that smile is contagious.  It really doesn't get cuter than this.  xoxo

Josephine :: Cutie Pie :: Syracuse Child Photographer

This business blesses me with the opportunity to work with wonderful families, and I am so happy to have had the chance to grow a friendship with Josephine and her parents.  We celebrated ONE and wondered where the time has gone.  A beautiful little girl with the sweetest little personality.

Ava :: Cutie Pie :: Syracuse NY Child Photographer

Oh my goodness, I just absolutely cannot believe that my sweet and sassy BFF Ava is 5 years old!  And she could not be more beautiful.  Inside and out.  I just adore her, even more so because she puts up with my antics and loves to be in front of the camera.

Evelyn :: Cutie Pie :: Syracuse NY Child Photographer

It was so great to see Evelyn again!  She is one now, and I absolutely loved seeing how she has grown, but also how much her personality has grown.  Such an absolute adorable little baby girl.  She is so smiley, happy, and quite adventurous!

John :: Cutie Pie :: Syracuse NY Child Photographer

It was so great seeing this Year of Wonder family again.  John is just so stinkin' adorable.  He is so cute he almost doesn't look real in some of these photos!  I swear he is real.  :)  And sweet as pie.